API Reference

The StatsClient provides accessors for all the types of data the statsd server supports.


Each public stats API method supports a rate parameter, but statsd doesn’t always use it the same way. See the Data Types for more information.

class StatsClient(host='localhost', port=8125, prefix=None, maxudpsize=512)

Create a new StatsClient instance with the appropriate connection and prefix information.

  • host (str) – the hostname or IP address of the statsd server
  • port (int) – the port of the statsd server
  • prefix (str or None) – a prefix to distinguish and group stats from an application or environment
  • maxudpsize (int) – the largest safe UDP packet to send. 512 is generally considered safe for the public internet, but private networks may support larger packet sizes.

Close the underlying UDP socket.

StatsClient.incr(stat, count=1, rate=1)

Increment a counter.

  • stat (str) – the name of the counter to increment
  • count (int) – the amount to increment by. Typically an integer. May be negative, but see also decr().
  • rate (float) – a sample rate, a float between 0 and 1. Will only send data this percentage of the time. The statsd server will take the sample rate into account for counters.
StatsClient.decr(stat, count=1, rate=1)

Decrement a counter.

  • stat (str) – the name of the counter to increment
  • count (int) – the amount to increment by. Typically an integer. May be negative, but that will have the impact of incrementing the counter but see also incr().
  • rate (float) – a sample rate, a float between 0 and 1. Will only send data this percentage of the time. The statsd server will take the sample rate into account for counters
StatsClient.gauge(stat, value, rate=1, delta=False)

Set a gauge value.

  • stat (str) – the name of the gauge to set
  • value (int or float) – the current value of the gauge
  • rate (float) – a sample rate, a float between 0 and 1. Will only send data this percentage of the time. The statsd server does not take the sample rate into account for gauges. Use with care
  • delta (bool) – whether or not to consider this a delta value or an absolute value. See the gauge type for more detail


Gauges were added to the statsd server in version 0.1.1.


Gauge deltas were added to the statsd server in version 0.6.0.

StatsClient.set(stat, value, rate=1)

Increment a set value.

  • stat (str) – the name of the set to update
  • value – the unique value to count
  • rate (float) – a sample rate, a float between 0 and 1. Will only send data this percentage of the time. The statsd server does not take the sample rate into account for sets. Use with care.


Sets were added to the statsd server in version 0.6.0.

StatsClient.timing(stat, delta, rate=1)

Record timer information.

  • stat (str) – the name of the timer to use
  • delta (int or float or datetime.timedelta) – the number of milliseconds whatever action took. datetime.timedelta objects will be converted to milliseconds
  • rate (float) – a sample rate, a float between 0 and 1. Will only send data this percentage of the time. The statsd server does not take the sample rate into account for timers.
StatsClient.timer(stat, rate=1)

Return a Timer object that can be used as a context manager or decorator to automatically record timing for a block or function call. See also the chapter on timing.

  • stat (str) – the name of the timer to use
  • rate (float) – a sample rate, a float between 0 and 1. Will only send data this percentage of the time. The statsd server does not take the sample rate into account for timers.
with StatsClient().timer(stat, rate=1):

# or

@StatsClient().timer(stat, rate=1)
def foo():

# or (see below for more Timer methods)

timer = StatsClient().timer('foo', rate=1)

with timer:

def bar():

Returns a Pipeline object for collecting several stats. Can also be used as a context manager.

pipe = StatsClient().pipeline()

# or

with StatsClient().pipeline as pipe:
class Timer

The Timer objects returned by StatsClient.timer(). These should never be instantiated directly.

Timer objects should not be shared between threads (except when used as decorators, which is thread-safe) but could be used within another context manager or decorator. For example:

def my_context():
    timer = statsd.timer('my_context_timer')

Timer objects may be reused by calling start() again.


Causes a timer object to start counting. Called automatically when the object is used as a decorator or context manager. Returns the timer object for simplicity.


Causes the timer object to stop timing and send the results to statsd. Can be called with send=False to prevent immediate sending immediately, and use send(). Called automatically when the object is used as a decorator or context manager. Returns the timer object.

If stop() is called before start(), a RuntimeError is raised.

Parameters:send (bool) – Whether to automatically send the results
timer = StatsClient().timer('foo').start()

Causes the timer to send any unsent data. If the data has already been sent, or has not yet been recorded, a RuntimeError is raised.

timer = StatsClient().timer('foo').start()


See the note abbout timer objects and pipelines.

class Pipeline

A Pipeline object that can be used to collect and send several stats at once. Useful for reducing network traffic and speeding up instrumentation under certain loads. Can be used as a context manager.

Pipeline extends StatsClient and has all associated methods.

pipe = StatsClient().pipeline()

# or

with StatsClient().pipeline as pipe:

Causes the Pipeline object to send all batched stats in as few packets as possible.

class TCPStatsClient(host='localhost', port=8125, prefix=None, timeout=None, ipv6=False)

Create a new TCPStatsClient instance with the appropriate connection and prefix information.

  • host (str) – the hostname or IP address of the statsd server
  • port (int) – the port of the statsd server
  • prefix (str or None) – a prefix to distinguish and group stats from an application or environment.
  • timeout (float) – socket timeout for any actions on the connection socket.

TCPStatsClient implements all methods of StatsClient, including pipeline(), with the difference that it is not thread safe and it can raise exceptions on connection errors. Unlike StatsClient it uses a TCP connection to communicate with StatsD.

In addition to the stats methods, TCPStatsClient supports the following TCP-specific methods.


Closes a connection that’s currently open and deletes it’s socket. If this is called on a TCPStatsClient which currently has no open connection it is a non-action.

from statsd import TCPStatsClient

statsd = TCPStatsClient()

Creates a connection to StatsD. If there are errors like connection timed out or connection refused, the according exceptions will be raised. It is usually not necessary to call this method because sending data to StatsD will call connect implicitely if the current instance of TCPStatsClient does not already hold an open connection.

from statsd import TCPStatsClient

statsd = TCPStatsClient()
statsd.incr('some.event')  # calls connect() internally
statsd.connect()  # creates new connection

Closes a currently existing connection and replaces it with a new one. If no connection exists already it will simply create a new one. Internally this does nothing else than calling close() and connect().

from statsd import TCPStatsClient

statsd = TCPStatsClient()
statsd.reconnect()  # closes open connection and creates new one
class UnixSocketStatsClient(socket_path, prefix=None, timeout=None)

A version of StatsClient that communicates over Unix sockets. It implements all methods of StatsClient.

  • socket_path (str) – the path to the (writeable) Unix socket
  • prefix (str or None) – a prefix to distinguish and group stats from an application or environment
  • timeout (float) – socket timeout for any actions on the connection socket.